Urban / Urbano



Street life

“I don't like landscapes. I like cities. Lots of cities. I like buildings. I like streets. ” - Dario Argento

Landscape / Pokrajina

“The lake and the mountains have become my landscape, my real world.” - Georges Simenon

Blog / Zapiski

Portraits / Portreti

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” — Edward Steichen.”

Travel / Potovanja

“Man can not discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” - Andre Gide






Chicago, NYC






About me / O meni

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde

Čeprav sem geolog, se s tem ne ukvarjam. In čeprav veliko fotografiram, po poklicu nisem fotograf. Zelo rad pa ujamem resničnost v podobo: sem ljubiteljski fotograf. S svojo letnico rojstva prihajam še iz analognih časov, ko se je moje zanimanje za fotografijo počasi prebujalo, vendar so bili še bolj privlačni petkovi večeri, tako da sem se v jutranji svetlobi zlate ure namesto na fotopotep odpravil v svet sanj. Tudi zdaj, ko je zanimanje za fotografijo popolnoma prebujeno, sem še vedno bolj zaspane sorte, zato je tudi lov za pokrajinskimi motivi v jutranji svetlobi bolj izjema kot pravilo. Izpod koncertnih odrov se je moja strast pred kratkim preselila v iskanje urbanih motivov, ki so v potuho zaspancem tukaj in zdaj, ob vsaki uri dneva, ob opoldanski svetlobi in močnih sencah še bolj privlačni kot sicer. Najbližje so mi minimalistični motivi osamljenih pasantov, ki se nevede ujamejo v geometrijsko omejenost urbanega središča in ki s svojo pojavo znotraj točk, linij in ploskev tvorijo red in urejenost; tako so antipod pregovornemu mestnemu direndaju. 

Pred časom so mi misli z ulic začele begati nazaj v notranjost, in sicer na področje, kjer sem bil prej popolnoma neuk – v fotografski studio. Najprej sem se zaljubil v pasje portrete, nato so spontano prišli tudi portreti ljudi. Oboje je kljub kontroliranim pogojem precej razburljivo, saj je možnosti za kreativo neskončno.

Although I studied geology, this is not the field I work in for a living. And although I photograph a lot, I am not a photographer by profession. I am, however, someone who likes to capture images of reality: an amateur photographer. I was born in the era of analogue technology, and although my interest in photography began stirring at that time, I was still far more interested in late Friday nights. And so, instead of spending gold-lit mornings on photo-jaunts, I usually let myself be lulled into the land of dreams. Even now, with my interest in photography fully awakened, I still relish a good lie-in, and thus hunting for landscape motifs in the early morning light is a rare occurrence. Recently, my passion has moved away from the concert stages and I began focusing on urban motifs. These lend themselves well to sleepyheads and are there to be photographed wonderfully at any time of the day. In fact, I find them even more appealing in the midday light or enveloped in contrasting light and dark shadows. I am particularly fond of the minimalist motifs of solitary passers-by, who, without even being aware of it, fall within the geometric constraints of the urban city centre. Their figures form order and regularity within the points, lines and planes, thus acting as an antithesis to the proverbial hustle and bustle of the city.  Recently, my thoughts from the streets began to drift back inside, to an area where I had previously been completely uneducated – to a photography studio. First, I fell in love with dog portraits, and then people’s portraits came spontaneously. Despite the controlled conditions, both are quite exciting, as the possibilities for creative are endless.

Contact / Kontakt

error: © by Jurij Bizjak